Monday 9th January 2012.

Today I spoke to my actress about planning the last day of filming for my music video. I planned to finish before Christmas, however when looking back at my 2nd draft I realised that the shots that involved my actress and her 'ex' were not very good and I wanted other shots of the two of them together. Also as I mentioned in a previous blog post some shots I had taken last time such as the carving of the heart in the wall had to be re-taken due to not coming out as planned. I decided to ask a boy from my college if he was able to be in my music video and play the ex-boyfriend of my actress. I wanted not only to get shots of them when they were together as flashbacks, but shots of him actually going through the process of capturing her and tying her up to make it more clear to the audience of who it was that actually left her abandoned in the warehouse. Thankfully he agreed and we have all planned to film this Sunday (15/01/12).
By Harry Luke Mulvany

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