Sunday 15th January 2012.

Today I finished filming the last few shots of my actors that I need for my music video I believe today was successful and that I have managed to gain all the footage I need, however we did still encounter some problems. One was that my actress was unable to find the blue cardigan that she had previously warn in older footage. I then asked her if she possibly had something similar in colour that we could use, and she brang along a darker blue cardigan as a substitute. This is shown from the images I posted in my previous blog post in which I contacted my actress and actor to meet them at my location.

Another problem I encountered was that the night before filming, I wrote down on a piece of paper all the different shots I wanted to take/re-take. However in the rush of carrying all of the equipment to the location I forgot to take the paper with me so had to rely on my memory of what I wrote down. Thankfully once I got home I looked over the paper to see if I missed any important shots out and I don't think I did. I am planning to film one last shot this week before my deadline on Friday (20/01/12) which doesn't require my actors by getting a heart-shaped balloon and popping it on camera. I wanted to do this to just add more symbolism to my music video as the heart represents their love and it bursting meaning their love bursting and coming to an abrupt and frightening end as he ties her up and leaves her in the warehouse alone.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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