Music Video (Second Draft).

The video above shows the second draft for my music video. Unlike my first draft, this now includes footage of my actress during the chorus in which she is standing by a large metal bollard. Also after filming on 11/12/11, I used the list of improvements I made in a previous blog post when filming which helped to pin-point what needed to be changed from previous footage. An example is the long-shot from behind. I noted that this needed to be re-shot due to not being very fluid, so I filmed it again and it is much better, as can be seen in video above. 

There are also some problems however with this, as I have a few more things to do before reaching the final version. I am not happy with the third chorus, as I don't like the mid-long shots of my actress strumming the guitar at the end of each line. Therefore I am going to change this for my next scheduled filming, as well as the shots of the carving on the wall which I have mentioned previously. Also I had problems uploading this video straight to YouTube as it kept telling me it was unable to be converted so instead I export the video from Final Cut Express, then place it into iMovie and place it onto YouTube from there.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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