Music Video Survey: Results.


The images above show the results to the survey I created based on the audience's view of my music video. I asked questions based around things that I set out to achieve when creating my music video, such as if I used a range of shot types, or if the editing of the video cuts in time to the beat of the song. I have gained a very positive response to my music video, with all the questions indicating that I achieved everything I had set out to. For example, a huge 84% of the people who took the survey believed that I had used a sufficient amount of close-up shots of the artist, which I intended to do as a way to promote her and make her recognisable to the audience so they remember her.

Some questions didn't have as much of a clear answer like that however, such as when I asked if they recognised any intertexual references from watching my music video. Only 60% of people said they made some sort of connection to another piece of text where as 40% said they didn't. This shows that even though more people saw references, they might not have been very explicit and clear from watching the video, resulting in an almost balanced result. Looking at all of the questions, overall I am very happy with the results as they confirm that things like the iconography of the artist and understanding of the narrative are clear which I thought about and based my music video on when creating and producing it.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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