(Post Production) Ancillary Text Analyses.

In order try and help me find out and explore the codes and conventions of ancillary texts in the folk genre, I am going to carry out analyses of 2 digipaks and 2 adverts. By discovering how each artist creatively expresses themselves as folk artists through their ancillary texts, it will give me a greater understanding of things that I could possibly do when creating my ancillary texts which would help make it clear that my artist is under the folk genre by following certain conventions that are clear on most digipaks and adverts. This will help when answering  question 2 of my evaluation as knowing the forms and conventions of digipaks and adverts will help create a stronger link between my ancillary texts and my music video. It will also help me understand how I can challenge the forms and conventions of typical ancillary texts and the reason as to why I challenged them.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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