Editing Process: Sepia Tone.

In my music video, I edited the majority of the clips in order to all have a very Sepia tone to them. I wanted to do this because many of the shots in which my artist is playing the guitar you can see lots of leaves in the background and some thin branches hanging down from the roof. These all give off a very autumn feel to the video as all leaves have fallen to the ground and turned a dark brown colour like they have died. This runs with the story of my video as the leaves represent the love of my artist and her 'ex-boyfriend' which went from such happy times and so full of life to falling apart and rotting, during a more sour and dark colour as he decides to tie her up and leave her for completely alone. Therefore I wanted to play to this, and added 3 effects to each clip to create more of a sepia tone which I will explain below.

Step 1: This shows the colour of the clip before adding any effects.

Step 2: This shows the clip once the brightness and contrast has been changed. The brightness has been increased by 15 and the contrast by 13, making the clip slightly lighter.

Step 3: This shows the clip once the levels have been changed. This effectively darkens the clip but adds more of a shadow to the clip with all of the options under levels being increased.

Step 4: Finally this shows the clip oncea brown tint has been added. This gives a much more sepia tone to the clip therefore linking to the natural representation of the location due to the brownness of the leaves, etc.
Step 5: This shows the final colour of my clip after all of the effects have been added to it to create the sepia effect.
By Harry Luke Mulvany

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