(Post Production) Intertexual Reference: Rapunzel.

The images above show my actress sitting on the edge of a window at the abandoned warehouse location in which my music video is filmed. These images are images that I have taken for my Digipak and Advert. I decided to have my actress do this as in my music video the idea is that she is trapped inside this warehouse and unable to escape. The area surrounding the warehouse is clearly very dirty and messy as can be seen from the other images I have taken and the graffiti and overgrown bushes, with my actress being portrayed as a young woman who is obvious very pretty but trapped in a scary and seemingly inaccessible location due to being up so high.

Taking all of this into account, this is all an intertexual reference to the fairy tale 'Rapunzel'. This is because looking at the image to the left and common knowledge of the story, a young woman is trapped in a large tower and is unable to escape. The iconic scene from Rapunzel that is recognisable for anybody that is familiar with the story is the image in which she is hanging from the window letting down her hair, portraying her as helpless and alone. This all links to the concept of my story as I Rapunzel is meant to represent my actress, and the tower is meant to represent the warehouse in which they are both trapped and it seems as if they can't escape. Also the surrounding area of both images are of over grown bushes/trees and are both very dirty and dark looking. This could represent the presence of the person that trapped them there constantly lurching around the area making sure that they are trapped there forever.

Comparing the images I have taken to the cartoon image, I have clearly played on the iconic image that Rapunzel is known for by having her hanging from a window just like in the original story, which helps communicate the theme of abandonment as seeing my image will either consciously or subconsciously associate with the image of Rapunzel, and make the audience think of my actress as helpless, alone and trapped just as they know Rapunzel as. This will help with the artists portrayal as the audience will see the Digipak with this image featured on it and feel empathy for her, maybe causing them to buy the album because of this. This leads me to the name of the album, as this concept has given me the idea to call the album 'Fairy Tale' or something in relation to this for the reasons that I have stated above.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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