Music Video (Final).

The video above shows the final version of my music video after 3 drafts and a test shoot. It can be seen that there isn't much of a difference between my first draft and my final as the structure of the video stays pretty much the same. The changes made consist of adding or removing two or three shots but mainly re-positioning the most recent footage I took of my actress and her 'ex' as I just put it together for the third draft to see what it looked like. For example, on the line 'Come back to me again', I decided to remove the shot of her legs tied to the chair and replace it with her 'ex' tying the rope around her legs. This effectively brings the shot of him walking away forward from where it was to emphasise him abandoning her by having it in slow motion then to normal speed as he runs down the stairs while still in time to the beat.

Another change that I made was adding the sepia tone to the rest of the clips that I wanted it on as I knew they were staying, making it look more authentic and consistent then it did in my third draft. Also I added the shot of Vlad (my actor) standing in the direction of the sun and slowly walking off-screen with the guitar and the rest of the stuff on the line, 'I love you, I really do' of the thrid chorus. This creates an interesting contrast as she is saying she loves him but it clearly shows him dragging all of the stuff that is used to trap her in the warehouse. Now that I have completed my music video, I will then create a survey available to anybody on asking many different questions about my video and if I managed to achieve things I intended to achieve including having many close-up shots of my artist and editing shots in time to the beat.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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