These show the analysis of my lyrics. Upon developing the idea I had of my actress being tied up in my music video which I described in an earlier post, I created these before I start on my animatic so that the ideas written will reflect the concepts shown in my storyboard. I am doing this because it shows step-by-step the ideas I have for my music video and reflects the cinematography and editing that I would like to use when creating my final product. Even though my animatic will reflect the tied-to-a-chair idea, I have not yet ruled out the idea of having her perform to an audience. It will all depend on the type of locations I can find and the development of the ideas as to which one I decide to run with, however my favourite idea from the two is so far the tied up concept, which is why I am using that for my animatic.
By Harry Luke Mulvany
Good work Harry, very detailed. Can you just make sure that you introduce each piece of work and explain what you are doing and why.