Potential Song Ideas.

The first idea that I have for my music video is Let It Be as sung by Jennifer Hudson. I considered this song because I enjoy the passion that the song has and the meaning it has to her life, which is a message I would like to interpret in my music video. This song was sung just after her family was murdered, so you can hear her pain and anguish when she sings it because of what she has gone through. I also liked this song because it is very performance based due to her singing it live as part of a charity event. Also as I am very interested in having my music video more performance than narrative based I found this song very interesting, and also enjoyed how the song is focused on her voice with a simplistic tempo used in the background just like the original Beatles version.

The second idea that I have for my music video is Moon River as sung by The Honey Trees. I found this on YouTube while researching suitable songs, and I liked the simplicity that the song has. Much like the song above sung by Jennifer Hudson, it very much focuses on the artist's voice throughout, and also the guitar in this case. It is also very performance based like Let It Be, with them singing it live as part of a project called 'The LoFi Sessions' to showcase musical talent on the internet. As I am interested in having quite a performance based narrative to fit with the conventions of a regular folk music video, this is a suitable choice. I also like the fact that the lyrics to this song are quite eccentric, which gives me lots of room for interpretation and the ability to display more creative ideas in my music video that would not be possible with lyrics that are more relatable to real life.

The third idea that I have for my music video is Superstar as sung by Astor Fong. I found this song as I have the much earlier version by The Carpenters on my iPod. When considering using this song, I typed in YouTube 'Carpenters Superstar Cover', and this video came up in the results. I like this song for the same reason I like the Carpenter's version and the other two videos above, as it has a very simple beat and just uses a guitar and the woman's voice to display emotion. Unlike the song 'Moon River' sung by The Honey Trees, this song is more relatable to the audience as the lyrics describes something that most people experience during their life, this being heartbreak. Therefore by choosing this song, it will be much more relatable to the audience, however at the same time it leaves me little room for creative interpretation which is possible with the song 'Moon River'.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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