Music Video Ideas.

The first idea I have about the concept of my video is to have my actress in a mysterious and eerie location, possibly a warehouse or somewhere abandoned. She is tied up by her 'ex-boyfriend' to a chair and left there. During the song she sits in the chair singing along with a guitar, but towards the end she manages to escape. It shows shots of her reminiscing the love she had with her boyfriend by using flashbacks of them together, which would then explain why she is saying that she loves him in the lyrics. It won't have a linear narrative so that it is more suggestive, therefore reflecting a convention of normal folk videos. Also the emptiness of the location would reflect the loneliness she feels at not having her boyfriend anymore. A long shot could be used on the line 'Loneliness is such a sad affair'.

A second idea I have avout the concept of my video is by having my actress performing the song in front of an audience, as if it was a live performance. I'd use a location that looks like somewhere that a singer would perform, somewhere with a stage or the possible use of a spotlight to give the impression of a performance. Could possibly use the portable spotlight that the Media department has to reflect this. This impression of a live performance reflects a convention of the folk genre as the majority of music videos are really performance based. Could also play around with it, for example having a shot of the audience in front of her, then slowly the camera goes around her and back to the same shot but this time the audience are not there. This would also be good on the line, 'Loneliness is such a sad affair'.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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