Sunday 27th November 2011.

Today I began filming for my real music video after my test shoot last week (20/12/11). I managed to film a large amount of footage, but have missed out large chunks of footage that are yet to be taken. The majority of footage I took today included the first and second verse of the song. This includes a lot of when my actress is sitting in the chair playing the guitar, and other aspects such as the shot that circles my actress and introduces her into to the second verse. Despite this, we did also face some problems which stopped us from getting more footage. The biggest problem we faced was that during filming shots for my music video, the battery of the camera ran out forcing us to carry on filming at a later date. Another big problem was that the memory became full halfway through filming a certain shot. This led to going over other clips which we had taken and deleting some that were not needed, wasting time in which we could have been filming and also wasting the battery life leading to it running out some time after. Me and my actress have next scheduled to film on the 4th December in which I hope to get the rest of my footage before the Christmas holidays.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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