Music Video (Test Shoot).

This shows the footage I took on the 20th November 2011 when filming my Test Shoot. I then edited the footage and put it in the style of how my real music video would be to get a feel for what the real one is going to look like. This gives me the opportunity to see if my narrative/themes/concept will come across well when making my final product. From watching this, I believe that my narrative is relatively easy to understand taking into consideration what it would look like once the footage from my chorus is present. I believe the idea that she has been tied up is very clear with the close-up shots and long shots all indicating that she is tied down to the chair. I don't believe the theme of betrayal is clear as of yet in the test shoot, however as I said earlier the footage that is taken during the chorus should hopefully help shows this more as there is where the 'ex-boyfriend' will feature the most.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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