Sunday 20th November 2011.

Today I visited my warehouse location to film a Test Shoot for my Music Video. This allowed me to get a feel for roughly how long the filming will take for the real thing, and any problems I may face so I can overcome them for the real thing. Once entering my location I determined which sector is the best to film in as it was rather large. I chose a corner in which thin branches from plants with leaves on them were hanging down from the roof. After setting up my props by choosing where my actress should sit, etc. I managed to film the majority of shots from that location however was unable to film them all (Partly the end shots of my actress running out of the warehouse) due to the battery of the camera running out. One thing I found difficult was going through my animatic and making sure I filmed all the shots I needed, as I sometimes forgot certain shots and had to do them at the end.

To improve this for next time, I am going to bring along my written storyboard so that I am able to tick off each shot after filming it. Another problem I faced was that I underestimated the length of time it would take to film in this location. I planned to also film some shots from what was my second location at Mudchute Farm, however I realised due to it getting dark so early I was unable to do so. I then came to the decision that as there are lots of trees and bushed just outside the warehouse, I will use that as my other location instead, making it more accessible leaving me more time to film. I planned with my actress and my friend who assisted me while I filmed that we film again next Sunday (27/11/11) and begin with filming my real footage taking on board the problems I faced today.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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