Music Video (First Draft).

After filming some more this Sunday (27/11/11), I have edited together the footage I have taken to make a rough cut of my music video. This is all real footage unlike my test shoot that I posted last week, however as I have more filming to do there are some significant gaps in the rough cut as the chorus scenes are yet to be filmed. There are many improvements that I have to make which I will explain in a separate blog post, and I am hoping that by 04/12/11 all my filming should be done and another rough cut can be posted showing all of my footage together. Hopefully I will then be able to work on my final product by changing the lighting of the shots, adding/replacing certain shots, etc.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Sunday 27th November 2011.

Today I began filming for my real music video after my test shoot last week (20/12/11). I managed to film a large amount of footage, but have missed out large chunks of footage that are yet to be taken. The majority of footage I took today included the first and second verse of the song. This includes a lot of when my actress is sitting in the chair playing the guitar, and other aspects such as the shot that circles my actress and introduces her into to the second verse. Despite this, we did also face some problems which stopped us from getting more footage. The biggest problem we faced was that during filming shots for my music video, the battery of the camera ran out forcing us to carry on filming at a later date. Another big problem was that the memory became full halfway through filming a certain shot. This led to going over other clips which we had taken and deleting some that were not needed, wasting time in which we could have been filming and also wasting the battery life leading to it running out some time after. Me and my actress have next scheduled to film on the 4th December in which I hope to get the rest of my footage before the Christmas holidays.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Music Video (Test Shoot).

This shows the footage I took on the 20th November 2011 when filming my Test Shoot. I then edited the footage and put it in the style of how my real music video would be to get a feel for what the real one is going to look like. This gives me the opportunity to see if my narrative/themes/concept will come across well when making my final product. From watching this, I believe that my narrative is relatively easy to understand taking into consideration what it would look like once the footage from my chorus is present. I believe the idea that she has been tied up is very clear with the close-up shots and long shots all indicating that she is tied down to the chair. I don't believe the theme of betrayal is clear as of yet in the test shoot, however as I said earlier the footage that is taken during the chorus should hopefully help shows this more as there is where the 'ex-boyfriend' will feature the most.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Sunday 20th November 2011.

Today I visited my warehouse location to film a Test Shoot for my Music Video. This allowed me to get a feel for roughly how long the filming will take for the real thing, and any problems I may face so I can overcome them for the real thing. Once entering my location I determined which sector is the best to film in as it was rather large. I chose a corner in which thin branches from plants with leaves on them were hanging down from the roof. After setting up my props by choosing where my actress should sit, etc. I managed to film the majority of shots from that location however was unable to film them all (Partly the end shots of my actress running out of the warehouse) due to the battery of the camera running out. One thing I found difficult was going through my animatic and making sure I filmed all the shots I needed, as I sometimes forgot certain shots and had to do them at the end.

To improve this for next time, I am going to bring along my written storyboard so that I am able to tick off each shot after filming it. Another problem I faced was that I underestimated the length of time it would take to film in this location. I planned to also film some shots from what was my second location at Mudchute Farm, however I realised due to it getting dark so early I was unable to do so. I then came to the decision that as there are lots of trees and bushed just outside the warehouse, I will use that as my other location instead, making it more accessible leaving me more time to film. I planned with my actress and my friend who assisted me while I filmed that we film again next Sunday (27/11/11) and begin with filming my real footage taking on board the problems I faced today.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Prop & Location Information.

Guitar: She is seen playing it throughout the video but mainly in the abandoned house location.
Abandoned Warehouse: This is used in the majority of the video as she is sitting playing the guitar.
Radio: Used only at the end of the first verse when a radio is mentioned and it is beside her feet to reveal her being tied up.
Mudchute Farm: I am filming here as there are lots of trees, etc. which will be perfect for during the chorus.
Chair: Used in the majority of the shots when she is in the abandoned house playing the guitar and singing.
Update (20/11/11): I will no longer be using Mudchute Farm as my second location but the surroundings of the warehouse instead.
Rope: Used when shots show her full body or close ups of her leg to reveal shes tied down, and when it's dropped on the floor as she escapes at the end.
Surrounding the Warehouse: I am filming around here as there are lots of trees and bushes with a large open space for the shots during the chorus.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Prop Ideas.

These are ideas for props I am going to use in my music video. I will be using a regular guitar which my actress will play during sequences of my video, and have already arranged to borrow one from a friend. I will be using an old radio as the word radio is used in the lyrics of my chosen song and I believed it added more authenticity to my video by having it beside her as she performs and plays the guitar. I have already arranged to borrow an old radio from my Dad, as well as the rope and chair. I am using the rope as my actress is tied up as part of the video's narrative so this will be used to tie her to the chair. The chair will be used to have her sit down and play the guitar as well as be strapped down when filming the performance based aspects of my video.
By Harry Luke Mulvany

Filming Schedule.

Reg Cam, Tripod
SLR, Tripod
SLR, Tripod
Canon HD, Tripod
Sony HD, Tripod

This shows my filming schedule for my music video. On the 20th, I plan to film my Test Shoot which will give me a feel for what it will be like for the real thing. The 27th is the day in which I will begin my real filming at my Warehouse location and hopefully capture the majority of my footage there. On the 4th, I plan to carry on my filming and hopefully by this time I will have captured all of my footage so I am able to upload it and start editing it.

Update (04/12/11): My actress was unable to film on the 4th, so filming was rescheduled to the 11th.
Update (09/01/12): I have also scheduled to film on the 15th with my actor which should be the last day of filming.
By Harry Luke Mulvany

Facebook: Filming Preparation.

This shows me preparing to film before I schedule exact times by asking my actress when the best time would be for her and when the best time is for me and working out a good arrangement. Also informing her of the locations we will be using and other important things that need to be considered when creating my music video so it all works out when it comes to filming. After seeing her in college I have found that due to us both being at college full-time, we are unable to film anytime during the week. I also found out that on Saturday mornings she has horse-riding lessons, so the only day of the week we are able to film are on Sunday mornings. My filming schedule will then reflect this as we have worked out an arrangement that both of us can go by taking into consideration when we are free.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Animatic Survey: Results.

The images above show the results to the survey I created based on the audience's view of my animatic. I asked questions based on their interpretation of my music video's narrative and if it was understandable, whether there was enough shots of my artist, etc. In general, the survey shows quite a positive reaction to my animatic and I was mainly successful in conveying what I wanted to convey. However there are still some small issues that the audience faced which I could correct when it comes to the production of my music video. One problem would be that 16% of the audience didn't fully understand my music video's narrative. Taking this on board, a way I am going to overcome this is by featuring some shots of the man such as a tracking shot of his feet or of him dragging the rope while she is tied up, to make it more clear that it is him that tied the artist up. This links to question 4 as somebody responded saying, 'You have her singing a lot, not much of a storyline.' By including the shots of the man like I just mentioned, this should improve that by adding to the storyline of the music video.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Animatic Survey.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

I created this survey to see how my audience view my animatic in terms of the narrative, theme, pace of shots, locations and the amount of close-up shots there are of my artist. I will then collect all of the results, and if I am lacking in one of these areas, I will try to improve this when it comes to filming my music video such as including more shots of my artist or keeping the pace of my visuals more in time with the beat of my song.

By Harry Luke Mulvany