Filming Improvements.

I have decided that after editing and posting my rough cut and taking on board what went on during the filming for my music video on Sunday 27th November, there were some things that I had forgotten to do and that I need to re-do for when I film tomorrow (11/12/11) which I have organised by making a list: 

 Shots I still need to take:
  • Close up shot of the artist's face on the line, "And I can hardly wait to be with you again".
  • Close up shot of the artist's face on the line, "But your not really here, it's just.." 
  • Close up shot - "Come back to me again and play your sad guitar".
Shots I need to re-take:
  • The tracking shot spinning around her, needs to be more stabilised.
  • Panning shot showing the radio then reveal her legs being tied to the chair, needs to be more stabilised.
  • Long shot from behind while panning more fluidly on the line, "Sweet and clear". 
  • Close up/side shot of my artist to improve camera stabilisation on the line, "What to say, to make you come again".

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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