Sunday 4th Decemeber 2011.

As part of my filming schedule, it was planned that I carry on filming for my music video today. This was planned to go ahead, however I received news from my actress that she is unable to film today due to family-related issues. Due to this, I have chosen to reschedule filming to the following Sunday (11/12/11). When filming last Sunday, I used the Canon (SLR) to capture the majority of footage inside my warehouse location. However another problem I am facing is that a Photography group are borrowing the Canon for the weekend in which I rescheduled to film, therefore I will have to use a different camera for the remainder of my filming. This is a problem as I am unsure whether the video quality of the Canon is similar to the quality of the video camera I will be using next Sunday. This will lead to half of my footage being in one quality and the other half being in another. As I am using a HD camera as a replacement for the Canon, I am hoping that due to them both being very good quality and use the same aspect ratio, the quality of footage should be unnoticeable when it comes to editing which will be seen when making my final draft.
By Harry Luke Mulvany

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