Music Video (Second Draft).

The video above shows the second draft for my music video. Unlike my first draft, this now includes footage of my actress during the chorus in which she is standing by a large metal bollard. Also after filming on 11/12/11, I used the list of improvements I made in a previous blog post when filming which helped to pin-point what needed to be changed from previous footage. An example is the long-shot from behind. I noted that this needed to be re-shot due to not being very fluid, so I filmed it again and it is much better, as can be seen in video above. 

There are also some problems however with this, as I have a few more things to do before reaching the final version. I am not happy with the third chorus, as I don't like the mid-long shots of my actress strumming the guitar at the end of each line. Therefore I am going to change this for my next scheduled filming, as well as the shots of the carving on the wall which I have mentioned previously. Also I had problems uploading this video straight to YouTube as it kept telling me it was unable to be converted so instead I export the video from Final Cut Express, then place it into iMovie and place it onto YouTube from there.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Sunday 11th December 2011.

Today I continued filming for my music video after my actress was unable to make it for my last scheduled time (4/11/11). Today I took lots of footage, including all the shots needed for my chorus and the list of improvements I noted in my last blog post. This means that in tomorrow's lesson I will be able to create a second draft, which will include the chorus that I had shown through my animatic and also many other shots such as the carving of the heart into the wall. Mentioning this, a problem that I faced today was that while filming this aspect of my video, the battery of the camera died and I was unable to capture anymore. I managed to film what I needed, however when looking over what I had taken once I got home, I realised that the camera in the initial shot of the plain wall is in a different position to the shot of the heart with both initials inside it, meaning it will not look as good when I transition from the heart being there to it not as the camera will not be in the same position. I had hoped that today would be the last bits of footage that I would need to take, however looking over the footage I have taken I will have to arrange to do one more filming session after the Christmas holidays.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Filming Improvements.

I have decided that after editing and posting my rough cut and taking on board what went on during the filming for my music video on Sunday 27th November, there were some things that I had forgotten to do and that I need to re-do for when I film tomorrow (11/12/11) which I have organised by making a list: 

 Shots I still need to take:
  • Close up shot of the artist's face on the line, "And I can hardly wait to be with you again".
  • Close up shot of the artist's face on the line, "But your not really here, it's just.." 
  • Close up shot - "Come back to me again and play your sad guitar".
Shots I need to re-take:
  • The tracking shot spinning around her, needs to be more stabilised.
  • Panning shot showing the radio then reveal her legs being tied to the chair, needs to be more stabilised.
  • Long shot from behind while panning more fluidly on the line, "Sweet and clear". 
  • Close up/side shot of my artist to improve camera stabilisation on the line, "What to say, to make you come again".

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Sunday 4th Decemeber 2011.

As part of my filming schedule, it was planned that I carry on filming for my music video today. This was planned to go ahead, however I received news from my actress that she is unable to film today due to family-related issues. Due to this, I have chosen to reschedule filming to the following Sunday (11/12/11). When filming last Sunday, I used the Canon (SLR) to capture the majority of footage inside my warehouse location. However another problem I am facing is that a Photography group are borrowing the Canon for the weekend in which I rescheduled to film, therefore I will have to use a different camera for the remainder of my filming. This is a problem as I am unsure whether the video quality of the Canon is similar to the quality of the video camera I will be using next Sunday. This will lead to half of my footage being in one quality and the other half being in another. As I am using a HD camera as a replacement for the Canon, I am hoping that due to them both being very good quality and use the same aspect ratio, the quality of footage should be unnoticeable when it comes to editing which will be seen when making my final draft.
By Harry Luke Mulvany

Final Cut Express Problems.

Today while editing the second draft of my music video, I experienced some problems with Final Cut Express which almost lost all of the footage I had worked on and edited since I began editing. At some point, I must have accidentally closed my timeline and was unable to get it back. After a long time of trying to get it back, I managed to open it again after turning the computer off and on however when I did get it back all of the footage I had edited became one whole sequence, so I was unable to differentiate between shots. I have managed to cut a lot of the sequence up into individual clips again, however for the clips that included a transition it is much harder to split, so have left them for a later date.

By Harry Luke Mulvany