Music Video: Idea 1 Inspiration.

The video above shows the music video for the song New Romantic by Laura Marling. This video inspired me because it reflects the type of location and shots that I would like to use for my first idea of having the artist tied up in a warehouse-like area. This song is similar to mine as it is also a Folk song, but it relies very much on the artists voice and guitar instead of incorporating lots of different instruments. Due to my song being under this Folk genre, I want it to follow the convention of the genre just like Laura's video by having it be quite raw and natural. This video by Laura Marling shows exactly this, which is why it inspired me when creating my music video. As I am thinking of using an abandoned area as my location, it can be told by watching Laura's video that it inspired me as she is sat in large empty room that also looks like it is abandoned. The type of shots used in this video also inspired me as there is a similarity between this video and the shots in my anamatic due to them both being very performance based with the artist sitting on a chair holding a guitar.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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