Potential Location Idea.

These photos show one of the potential locations that I may use for my music video. This is the Drama Pod which is located in Bishop Challoner School. Contradictory to my animatic, this location would be perfect for the second idea I had for my music video by having her perform to an audience. The photos show lots of chairs set up in the middle of the theatre and a large black curtain in front of them. I would have my actress on a chair with a guitar performing in the view of the audience. This can be seen in the photos above with the spotlight showing where I will have my actress positioned. The larger bit of lighting signifies where the chairs will be postitioned so they can be seen when all the lights are down. The reason I took the images from the corner of the room is because at the beginning of my music video, an idea I have is to start the song by coming in through the doors of the Drama Pod, and slowly walk up to her as she is performing in the spotlight just as the song begins. I want to do this as it makes the performance feel more real as the shots are not constantly changing and taking away the rawness of a performance based video. Also it shows the video from the perspective of an audience member which links to the convention of folk videos by being very performance based.
By Harry Luke Mulvany

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