Second Potential Location Idea.

The images above show a second potential location idea that I may use for my music video. This is an unused warehouse that is close to were I live, and is located on Westferry Road, Isle of Dogs. I chose this as a potential location idea as it would be the perfect place for my first idea of having the artist tied to a chair and playing the guitar. This is because it looks very abandoned and mysterious just like the location used by Laura Marling in her video New Romantic, which is my inspiration for looking at this location. A problem I may face when it comes to using this location however is that permission has to be gained in order to use it, so I may not be able to use it if permission if not given. I have taken down the number of the company that owns it and will be contacting them to find out.

Update: Upon ringing the company, I was unable to gain permission to use the location.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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