Avatar Reference.

In my abandoned warehouse location, it can be seen by the images I posted and in my test shoot that there is an area in which long branches are hanging down. Once seeing this, it reminded me of the movie Avatar and the 'Tree of Souls', which also had branches that hang down and touch the floor. The tree has a very mysterious and eerie atmosphere in the movie, which is what I would like to portray of my location in my music video. This can be shown from the images below from the movie.

 By Harry Luke Mulvany

Final Location.


The images above show the warehouse location in which I will be shooting my music video. From looking at the previous post, I was intending on using the Drama Pod as my location due to not getting permission to use the other warehouse. However when talking to a friend who lives close to the place above, they mentioned it as a possible place to film. The reason I chose this place as my final location is because permission is not needed in order to access and use it, and also it is perfect for my idea I had of the artist being tied up in an abandoned location, which can be seen in my animatic. This location is actually a small walk down the road from the previous idea I had being the warehouse on Westferry Road, Isle of Dogs. To go with the first idea I had, the location I needed had to give off a very deserted and eerie feel. This location is perfect for that as it is clearly deserted and also has a very mysterious feel, especially the images showing the very thin branches hanging from the roof, which is the exact atmosphere I am looking for in a location.

As my narrative describes my actress's 'ex-boyfriend' tying her up and leaving her somewhere, this location is very good at showing that as it look very abandoned which represents my actress being abandoned and left on her own, and also reflects the abandonment the artist feels which can be told by the lyric, 'You said you'd be coming back this way again baby.' Therefore I have made the decision that I will be sticking with the concept that I created in my animatic and will not be using the idea of having her perform to an audience in the Drama Pod.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Facebook: Contacting My Actress.

This shows me contacting my actress via Facebook to set up a meeting and keep her up-to-date on the development of my music video. I have request to meet with her to tell her what song I will be doing, the potential locations I may be using so she can figure out where she has to travel, and the sort of acting style I would like her to show, which would reflect the slow pace and meaningfulness of the song. After meeting with her I was able to give her the URL to my blog so she is able to listen to the song I am using, as well as watch my animatic to get a rough idea of the types of shots I using and understand the narrative behind the song.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Second Potential Location Idea.

The images above show a second potential location idea that I may use for my music video. This is an unused warehouse that is close to were I live, and is located on Westferry Road, Isle of Dogs. I chose this as a potential location idea as it would be the perfect place for my first idea of having the artist tied to a chair and playing the guitar. This is because it looks very abandoned and mysterious just like the location used by Laura Marling in her video New Romantic, which is my inspiration for looking at this location. A problem I may face when it comes to using this location however is that permission has to be gained in order to use it, so I may not be able to use it if permission if not given. I have taken down the number of the company that owns it and will be contacting them to find out.

Update: Upon ringing the company, I was unable to gain permission to use the location.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Music Video: Idea 1 Inspiration.

The video above shows the music video for the song New Romantic by Laura Marling. This video inspired me because it reflects the type of location and shots that I would like to use for my first idea of having the artist tied up in a warehouse-like area. This song is similar to mine as it is also a Folk song, but it relies very much on the artists voice and guitar instead of incorporating lots of different instruments. Due to my song being under this Folk genre, I want it to follow the convention of the genre just like Laura's video by having it be quite raw and natural. This video by Laura Marling shows exactly this, which is why it inspired me when creating my music video. As I am thinking of using an abandoned area as my location, it can be told by watching Laura's video that it inspired me as she is sat in large empty room that also looks like it is abandoned. The type of shots used in this video also inspired me as there is a similarity between this video and the shots in my anamatic due to them both being very performance based with the artist sitting on a chair holding a guitar.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Location Email.


The image above shows me contacting the teacher that manages the use of the Drama Pod. I have asked him if I am able to take photos of how I would set the theatre up, and when I will be able to carry this out. This shows the steps I am taking in preparation of filming, so that I know exactly want I would want to do and can get straight to it if I was to run with my second idea of having her perform to an audience. Therefore no time will be wasted during the scheduled time that I will have to film, which means it will not take as long to get all of the filming done.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

Music Video: Idea 2 Inspiration.

The video above shows the music video to the song Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. This video inspired me for my second idea of having the artist perform to an audience because of the location and shots that are used at the beginning when the band are on the stage, which is very similar to the Drama Pod location that I may be using. As a potential idea of mine is to film my music video there with the chairs all layed out, that shows a clear connection between those images that I took and this video. It inspired me to open my video with a panning shot starting at the doors of the Drama Pod, and slowly walking up to the artist who is sitting in a chair in front of the audience (who will be seated in the row of chairs) just like the in this video. This editing technique of walking right up to the stage inspired me to want to do the same, as it creates more of a natural and real feeling like it is the viewer that is walking to the stage and not a camera.
By Harry Luke Mulvany

Potential Location Idea.

These photos show one of the potential locations that I may use for my music video. This is the Drama Pod which is located in Bishop Challoner School. Contradictory to my animatic, this location would be perfect for the second idea I had for my music video by having her perform to an audience. The photos show lots of chairs set up in the middle of the theatre and a large black curtain in front of them. I would have my actress on a chair with a guitar performing in the view of the audience. This can be seen in the photos above with the spotlight showing where I will have my actress positioned. The larger bit of lighting signifies where the chairs will be postitioned so they can be seen when all the lights are down. The reason I took the images from the corner of the room is because at the beginning of my music video, an idea I have is to start the song by coming in through the doors of the Drama Pod, and slowly walk up to her as she is performing in the spotlight just as the song begins. I want to do this as it makes the performance feel more real as the shots are not constantly changing and taking away the rawness of a performance based video. Also it shows the video from the perspective of an audience member which links to the convention of folk videos by being very performance based.
By Harry Luke Mulvany