Advert (Final).

The image above shows the finished version of my advert. By looking at my second draft, it is clear that the image in the centre of my advert has changed. I decided to change it as I think that the previous image gave off quite a sexual feel as the artist was pushing her chest forward, which is more of R&B convention rather than Folk. This image shows my artist as looking quite confident without it being very sexual, suiting more to the Folk genre. After choosing this image, I then left Simona in colour and made the background black and white as I described I would when I posted my second draft, therefore creating a strong link between my ancillary texts. I also decided not to smooth out Simona's skin as I did in my second draft as it is not a convention of the Folk genre to portray the artist as being 'perfect' which skin smoothing does.

By Harry Luke Mulvany

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